Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So why would anyone pay attention to the rantings and musing of a MMO fan? MMO's are seeming a niche game genre with a fanbase that seems to become more and more bitter with each new release in the genre. Are my rantings and musings that much different, or better than you'd find on a site with devoted forums for them? Simple answer is, of course, yes.

Okay, maybe they really arent better or any more worth reading, but after 13 odd years of playing mainstream MMO's I'd like to think that I've learned a few things, not just about the genre itself, but the people who play the games, notably myself. While I dont think I speak for anyone other than myself, I think after 13 years I'm starting to find some truth not only about the genre, but about how my own tastes have evolved. So if you have a passing interest in games, or MMO's, then maybe I'll have something to say that will make you laugh, smile, or get mad (I tend to get people mad quite often) and it'll be worth your time as I begin discussing this journey.

I began my addiction to true MMO's back in 1998 with Ultima Online. I'd see some of the AOL games like Neverwinter Nights, but Ultima Online was the game that brought me to the genre in a modern format. I was working at Best Buy, and picked up the game on a whim, and was blown away when I got into the game and was able to play with hundreds of other people at the same time. I'm sure there were thousands, but to me it was hundreds. Here was a world, populated with other people in front of their computers, and it was a persistent world, activity went on even when I wasnt there. It was the begining of a love afair with with genre.

This addiction could have been nipped in the bud fairly early, but the woman that I was dating decided that if she wanted to spend time with me, she would give this "MMO-thing" a try. We've been married now for 11 years, and while she isnt as passionate about MMO's as I am, it has turned into something that we can do together. So the one person who probably had the power, enabled me!

My journey has twisted and turned though many, if not most of the AAA MMO's on the market since. I've made lifelong friends while playing. People who started out as just pixels on a screen that I talked with, into people I talk to daily, have visited, and one friend I think so much of as a person, he's the godfather of my daughter.  My point here, is that recently I read this Norweigan idiot Behring said he took a year off to play World of Warcraft, is simply that there are idiots everywhere, but they are definitely the exception. In fact why was the fact he played World of Warcraft newsworthy? Quick, someone find out if he liked Oreo's too. Far more good people around, and it's a shame one moron can draw attention to a game or a genre in that way.

Recent history has taken me thru a long phase as a fan and of Star Wars: The Old Republic, but as a fan, I've sat down and done a lot of thinking recently, which has partly inspired me to write this blog. I'm not the same person, or the same player I was 13 years ago, I want different things, and what was important to me then, doesnt seem to be all that important today. Sitting down and evaluating has led me to some interesting and fun conclusions, and I think that's where this blog is headed....for now.

Hope you enjoy the the ride.

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